Sunday, July 30, 2006

London Volksfest

what a fantastic day, got my times down from 16.9 to 15.7! paul in the cherry picker got his down from 32 seconds to 30!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

New Ultra VW Mag, Out Now!!

New issue is out now, there's some great cars in there and a nice history lesson on Bundespost Vehicles.

Monday, July 24, 2006

VW Beetle dragrace

At Carlsbad, 2003.

Keep it in the family!

here's a couple of pics of my cousins racecar project, bought for very little cash and came with sooo much........thankyou ebay!

more bug jam pics

cool paint on this van, and bernies newbie racecar!

Bug Jam 20

Apart from the mini tornado on saturday afternoon the weather was fantastic, atmosphere was great and a good time had by all(especially by the man with 'Vinyl Vera!')

Parts Chaser!

How cool is this, it's one of my customers daily's until his bug is finished, check out the 3 spoke cosmics.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Old hot rod movie

1952 safety promo movie showing road runners car club at a scta dry lakes meet.

More Spa Pics

If you ever get the chance, you really must go to this show, especially if you've got a bit of a trekker fetish like myself!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Air Cooled Drag Racing Magazine

check out their site, lots of interviews and cool wallpapers like this one.

Jule's 52 Barndoor Panel Van

This is probably the straightest van you will ever see, and it's also for sale. Get in touch if you're interested, price is £30k and it's worth every penny!

Gullwing Merc

saw this on the way to work saturday morning, lucky I had my camera on me!

My Place Of Work

It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Andy's Bug

This is the car my engine came from, It is now fully stripped and awaiting a 2332cc Ida Motor, Coming to a strip near you soon!

Burn Baby Burn!!

Don't you just love Gas Burners, Despite being a Porsche wheel, I have necver seen them on a Porsche car!Pics were taken in 2003 so these are all the real thing, inlike the replicas that are becoming poular.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

9 Days Till Bug Jam

It should be a good one this year, hopefully the weather will stay nice all weekend, last year was a slight washout on the sunday!!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Nice 67 Bug, picture taken from the restowagen-uk website, click the link on the right.
When these boys go to a show, you better make some space, as they'll take over the joint!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday Nostalgia Race Car Pic!

Dick Landys Dodge Challenger

Famous for his supercharger kits, Dick is also a legendary drag racer.